Quarterly Review 4/2021 and auction calendar for Q1 published

The State Treasury publishes a quarterly review, which includes information on recent developments in debt management and an outlook for the upcoming quarter, including auction dates. The final outlook of 2021 has just been published.

A quick summary:

  • The government’s budget proposal for 2022 includes a net borrowing requirement of EUR 6.9 billion. The funding strategy remains the same as in 2021 given the similarity in funding amounts.
  • Approximately 60% of the gross funding required will be funded in long-term maturities, and the rest will be covered with short-term Treasury bills.
  • During 2022, three new euro benchmark bonds can be expected. The first euro benchmark bond syndication is expected to take place in Q1.
  • Auction calendar for Q1 has been published.
  • According to the Ministry of Finance, general picture of the economy is stable despite the acceleration in pandemic. In its latest forecast, the ministry expects Finland’s GDP growth to reach 3.4% this year and 3.0% in 2022.

For full article, please continue to Quarterly Review 4/2021 on Publications.


, Updated 23.12.2021 at 13:48