Here you can find the relevant data for the Adverse Sustainability indicators for Finland.
Please note that the information below is an indicative compilation of sovereign PAI data sources; it is not a disclosure of PAIs for the state’s shareholdings.
Indicators applicable to investments in sovereigns and supranationals
Adverse sustainability indicator | Metric | Impact [year] | Impact [year] |
Environmental | 1. GHG emissions
Finland’s total GHG emissions excluding the land use/LULUCF sector Detailed and sectoral information on Annual Climate Report 2024 (of year 2023): |
41.0 Mt CO2 -eq. [2023] | 45.8 Mt CO2 -eq. [2022] |
Environmental | 2. Finland’s emissions intensity
Total GHG emissions (tCO₂e) / Source for total GHG emissions: Statistics Finland 2023: 335.760 bn (current prices; PPP; international dollars) |
0.12 [2023] | 0.14 [2022] |
Social | 1. UN conventions that Finland has signed
Please see United Nations Treaty Collection: Participant Search: United Nations Treaty Collection |
Social | 2. State of democracy and civil liberties
Freedom House: Finland has full scores (100/100) Finland country profile (Freedom in the World 2024): Finland: Freedom in the World 2024 Country Report | Freedom House |
Score: 100/100 [2024] |
Score: 100/100 [2023] |
Social | 3. State of corruption
Transparency International: Finland is one of Finland’s country profile |
Score: 87/100 [2023] Global rank: 2/180 [2023] |
Score: 87/100 [2022] Global rank: 2/180 [2022] |
Social | 4. Distribution of income
In Finland, the income distribution is among the most equal in the world. World Bank: Gini Index |
Value: 27.7 [2021] |
Value: 27.1 [2020] |
Social | 5. Human Development
Human Development Index (United Nations Development Program (UNDP): |
HDI value: 0.942 [2022] |
HDI value: 0.941 [2021] |
Social | 6. Government spending on education
Total government spending on education, as % of government expenditure (World Bank): |
% of total: 10.2 [2021] |
% of total: 10.2 [2020] |
Social | 7. World Bank Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGBI)
Finland ranks above OECD high income peers in six dimension of governance. Comparison of Finland to other OECD countries using WGBI (latest data release: 2024): |
Voice and Accountability: 97.55/100 [2023] Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: 71.09/100 Government Effectiveness: Regulatory Quality: Rule of Law: Control of Corruption: |
Voice and Accountability: 98.55/100 [2022] Political Stability and Absence of Violence/Terrorism: Government Effectiveness: Regulatory Quality: Rule of Law: Control of Corruption: |
Social | 8. Sustainable Development Goals
Currently Finland has achieved/is on track to achieve roughly 60% of the SDG targets. Finland has achieved goals no. 1 (No Poverty), 4 (Quality Education) and 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy). Major challenges remain on goals no. 2 (Zero Hunger), 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) as well as 13 (Climate Action). Finland country profile: |
SDG Index Score: 86.4/100 [2024]Global rank: 1/166 [2024]Spillover rank: 139/163 Spillover Score: |
SDG Index Score: 86.8/100 [2023]Global rank: 1/166 [2023]Spillover rank: 128/163 Spillover Score: |